The skid steers are equipped with engines that reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions by over 90%. Additionally, they produce 50% less nitrogen oxide (NOx) than the previous generation.
When full power isn't needed, the variable flow hydraulic pump uses only the required power, leading to significant fuel savings and reduced operational noise.
Here are the processes that take place in the skid steer to help protect the environment:
• The Diesel PM catalyst traps residual particles contained in the engine's exhaust gases.
• The cooled exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR) process is now electronically controlled for greater performance, fuel efficiency, and increased reliability—for example, protecting the engine from overheating.
• The externally cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system ensures efficient air treatment and high engine power density with minimal load response time.
• The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) uses a chemical process to break down diesel engine pollutants in the exhaust stream, transforming them into less harmful components. The DOC requires no regeneration and is maintenance-free.
• The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) physically traps particles from the engine exhaust.
• The electronic controls will automatically trigger a DPF system regeneration.
• Additionally, the system can notify the machine operator to manually regenerate the DPF when the soot load exceeds the automatic regeneration interval.